Smitten Organic Factory Outlet & Sample sale 2019
As a responsible business, we don’t want to waste anything and that’s the reason we’ve organized a factory come sample sale out our headquarters in Amsterdam.

For every collection, we buy little extra quantity- because of the production drawback. We also make samples to see the outlook before we go into production.
This leaves us at the end of each season with a little extra stock, as well those unique sample pieces. These unique pieces are perfectly wearable and looking for an owner.
The first edition takes place on Saturday 16th November from 10:00 16:00. These pieces are made with certified organic cotton and are available in all sizes from 62-104 (some up to 116). There will be coffee, tea etc.

Please register yourself for this event so that we know how many people we expect.
You can present your event confirmation on a mobile phone and there is no need to print it.. Every bit helps the environment.
Please bring your own carry bags or you can purchase our Smitten Organic cotton bag at a small price.
Payment can be done in cash or by online payments like Tikkie.